

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I Worship A Living God.

Jesus Christ the son of God and God himself, walked the earth.
He healed the sick and gave hope for eternal life, for all who believe in him.

He died on the cross as a sacrifice for forgiveness of our sins.. 
For the sins we have committed and for those we will yet commit. 
This doesn't mean we are to deliberately do wrong. 
But it does mean, we have a LOVING, LIVING Saviour. 

He was in the grave for 3 days, and then he arose from the dead, and left the tomb.

Not so with Muhammad, he is dead and still remains in the grave....

Not so with Buddha, he is also dead and still in the grave.

And Confucius is also dead and still in the grave.

In Isaiah 53:5 we read:
"But he (JESUS) was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed."

Gods only son, JESUS,  shed his blood for us. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I had never heard of Me-ism until of late.
And I recognize it is speaking of myself.

I had been asked to think about leading the service in Church.
Who Me!! No way, I am past all of that, I'm getting too old and tired.
One of the younger ones can do it, I'll sit back and enjoy... Me-ism.

I think many of us are getting complacent.
We'd rather sit back and watch than do the work..
Of course there are many good excuses, and I search in my mind to find the best ones.
 I have worked all my life, let someone who never volunteer for anything do it.

But then I learnt about Me-ism, and I felt ashamed.
I know I am capable, so why am I so lazy?
Life is not about, me me me..
Its about us. All of us, because we all count as valuable.

Philippians 2:3&4 "consider that others are superior to you… keeping an eye, not in personal interest upon just YOUR own matters, but also in personal interest upon those of the others."

Nothing is impossible to them that believe. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jesus is Alive

The flood waters are receding and life it getting back to normal... for some more than others.
Many businesses in my town have gone bust.
There is talk of moving all the shops to higher ground.
In the mean time I have been attending Bible College..
I am learning so much, and have loads of work to complete at home..
So if I don't get around to all my sweet friends on here as I would like to, please forgive me.

The birds disappeared for a while. I guess they flew off to dryer pastures...
But they are all back again. Their noisy chatter gladdens my heart.