

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Our Amazing Creator God

I am sure many of you will read this and say, "is this woman daft or what!"
Yet others will nod their head and feel a quickening in their heart and understand right where I am coming from.
Yesterday I took a friend with me to see the movie, "Heaven is for Real." 
I had read the book yet hoped the movie would witness Jesus and the reality of Heaven to this lovely eighty year old lady.  Did it? I am not sure, as she would not be gently drawn into any discussion about it.

However, it did speak to me!  No about my faith to believe because I  am unshakable in that, but about Gods everlasting and enduring love.

It wasn't until almost at the end of the story, that the name of the Burpo's family church became apparent.  And then I began to cry as the Lord touched my heart.

At times we all feel like life is just too tough and we almost want to give up and stop breathing. Yet we cannot chose to shut off and shut down just because we feel overwhelmed.  Our life is in Gods hands, and only he can appoint the number of our days for residing on this earth.  
(Psalms 90:12.)

So what was the name of that Church? And why did it have a powerful effect on me?

First I have to tell you the background to this.
When I went to live in Tennessee I wanted a spiritual place to call home. I visited two great churches, yet didn't feel complete until I found CROSSROADS CHURCH. On that morning, before  my first visit, I opened my Bible at randon and read, 
"Trust in the Lord with with all thine heart, and lean not on your own understanding. But in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6.  

  ( I was sent this from my Crossroads family to remember them by..)

  As I entered the church that day, the first words I heard Pastor Jerry Poore say, were the ones above.. I believed this to be a sign and my heart rejoiced. I was where God wanted me to be.

After my husband Ray returned to Australia with me for the first time, he decided it was where we would retire. And three years later we did. For the first few months we became gypsies, wandering in a caravan all over this Island, Country and Continent. 

Finally we settled down in a country town amidst pinapple, mango and advocado plantations and began to seek a church to belong. There was nothing wrong with our first two choices, but I felt unsettled in my heart. Finally I prayed about my concern to God and told him I would leave it in my husband, Rays hands. 

We went nowhere for a few weeks and then Ray said, how about we try this other church known as the Wesleyan Methodist Church.  It wasn't a fancy building, in fact it was a huge shed, as many of the newer built churches in Australia now are. On our very first day there, many people approached after the service and welcomed us. One particular lady, (Pauline) who I have come to love dearly as my sister-in-Christ, invited me straight away to her Home Group. 

 (Presentation for Graduating from Bible College, at The Weslyan last year.)

So what has all this to do with the name of the church in the movie, "Heaven is for Real!"
Well, ...  I felt the love of the Lord in his guidance both times in my finding a spiritual home. 
And the name of the Burpo's Church was...
 Crossroads Weslyan Church.
The both names associated with the two churches I have been called to belong. 
Coincidence? I think not... Gods guiding hand? I believe so.. 
"The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps."  Proverbs 16:9