

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


This is hard for me as I am not one for the spotlight.

Sheri from
has given me this 'Lovely Blog' award....
I thank you dear sister with all my heart...

There are so many lovely Blogs on here and mine, is by no means, one of the best.
But, I'd be very rude not to respond with a thankful heart.
On the other hand, Sheri does have a very endearing site, so please take time to stop by.

The 'Lovely Blog' Rules:
1. Link back to the person who nominates you for this award (above)
2. Pass it along to 7 other 'Inspiring Bloggers.'
3. Share 7 things about yourself. 

Passing this award along is not easy as some won't want to participate.
I have chosen women as I cannot see the men wanting to take part even though there are a couple I would love to nominate.... 

My selection in no particular order: (how do you choose when all are great)..

My happy lady:  USA

A heart of Gold: Phillipines

A sweet Tennessee mama: USA

A caring wife: USA

Another Ozzie chooky: Australia

A gentle spirit: United Kingdom

A wise spirit: United Kingdom

*Click on to the above and share some inspiration. 

About myself:
1. I love a deep bubble bath with glowing candles all around...
2. Fruit is the best food on earth, I eat pineapple until my tongue hurts.
3. I'm too soft hearted.
4. If I could play an instrument it would be the violin.
5. I wish I could run like I used to (need a new knee).
6. My mother is my greatest inspiration.
7. I believe its better to be humble than proud.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things. (from Philippians 4:8 of God's Word)



  1. Thank you so much for the award Crytal - what an honour :) I am just off to a ladies meeting in one our local churches so will complete it and post it on my blog when I return. Once again many thanks. God bless you, lots of love, Judith

  2. Crystal Mary, you are indeed an inspiration and definitely deserve this award! Thanks for your list--I've found some great new blogs to enjoy!

  3. Hi Crystal Mary,
    It's 11:34 p.m. here, and I just got home from a late night out supper with a dear friend.

    I wanted to check my blog one last time today before going to sleep...and your award is truly a delight to me.

    I will pass on the award to others tomorrow.

    Thank you for your kindness!

    Blessings on you today.


  4. Congrats on the award. I did appreciate reading your meme. Like your previous post too. I have that piece of scripture on my wallpaper calendar from the CWO. All the blessings of the day to you.

  5. Thank you and I just completed it - you are so sweet too. Thanks. Sandie

  6. cong. re the award and to those bloggers who you passed this recognition . a bubble bath having candles. sounds so good, if I did this, I'm afraid I would have to have someone pull me out of the bathtub. have a good day.

  7. Crystal,
    Thank you so much again for handing this award to me.
    :)I'm truly touched! God Bless


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Dio ti ama così siamo connessi.