

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Horrific Tornado Damage in Ashville, NC

 How can a tornado that lands in Florida, end up causing so much damage in Ashville, North Carolina??? 

Think about this.

For those who read what I write here and do not know the United States.... Then look at this map of the American east coast.

You will see Raleigh, North Carolina (NC). And it is closer to

the coast than Ashville is. 

Siesta Key, Florida, where Milton touched down, is 1123 kilometres OR 575 miles, and four states away from Ashville. (This map does not show South Carolina.)

(ASHVILLE is circled inland from Raleigh)

So, it's a no brainer to see, that the devastation caused in Ashville was the result of something planned. 

How so??? Well, I will let you research to discover yourself. 

What is so great about the Ashville that its worth destroying the area? 

Lithium deposits. !! YES, worth a fortune. 

The government wants this place. It's all about money. 

Is the government helping the survivors, or the dead?? 

Listen to what a local lady from that area says.

We cannot serve both God and money. 

No one lives forever. 

Money will remain but those who place it first will one day be gone.... 


Because of greed, and living for the moment, the evil ones consider nothing else. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Domestic Violence and Abuse is on the Rise

If you're experiencing abuse from your spouse, this book is for you. 

It shares the powerful story of a Christian woman trapped in a painful marriage with no apparent way out. 

Beyond just telling her story, the book also provides practical advice and guidance for those facing similar circumstances. 

Discover hope and find the support you need to help yourself.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Radio Host Mike Briggs "Books on Briggs" interview of Australian Author Crystal Mary Lindsey

 GOSH, or Golly Jingo’s as we Ozzie’s say. I was honored to be interview as an author on Mike Briggs Cvt radio show, “Books on Briggs” in California today.

For those of you who don’t know this wonderful humanitarian let me share his accomplishments with you.

MIKE'S BACKGROUND: Former Assistant Minority Leader/Whip at the California State Assembly.

:Former Mayor Pro-Tempore at the Fresno City Council

:Former Chief of Staff at the California State Senate

In addition to his political career, Mike has an impressive academic background:

Master’s Degree in History from Wayland Baptist University
Master’s Degree in Music from California State University, Fresno
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from California State University, Fresno

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Encouraging and Uplifting the Reader to a Higher Peace of Mind.

(Designed by my son, Lee. Graphic/Artist - Web Designer.)

As a retired health professional with specialized degrees in Nursing and Psychology. 

I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact of today's challenges on mental health where no-one, not even health professionals are immune. Anxiety and depression only to mention two disorders, are becoming alarmingly prevalent effecting millions worldwide.

My mission in writing stories as an author is to guide my reader to a happier and healthier state of mind. I do this by nourishing them with positive solution orientated stories, which can transform their inner lives and state of mind.

Imagine immersing yourself in tales where problems are resolved in win-win scenarios. These stories can offer powerful insights and practical strategies for overcoming, simply by indulging in the reading of a lovely fictional romance.          

What could be easier in fostering a sense of hope and resilience?

It’s heartbreaking to see how people struggle with mental disorders, to the point where hospitals globally are becoming overwhelmed with patients.

While some countries supply affordable healthcare, others make it a luxury that few can afford. So, what happened to the ones left out?

Books, especially the Kindle versions offer an assessable, easy to obtain and budget friendly alternative. For the one-time cost of a Kindle eBook, the reader can explore a world of uplifting and empowering literature, sometimes for free or otherwise at a low cost.

It’s great that by choosing the right books to read, a person can elevate their mood and improve their mental wellbeing.

Encouragement and positive reinforcement are essential for everyone’s security. No-one is immune to feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness, or anxiety at some time or other.

So, I encourage you to embark and discover the stories that heal, encourage, and inspire to nurture your inner self towards lasting wellbeing.

My books fall into the genre of Christian Inspirational Romance, often enriched with spiritual themes, suspenseful plots, and medical elements.  

Whether you prefer historical or contemporary romance set in America or Australia, my stories offer a blend of heartfelt inspiration and engaging tales.

My logo, also designed by Lee. Thank you, son. 


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Doctors Do Fall in Love. A Medical Story.

 As usual, I have DISCOUNTED my NEW RELEASE.

Kindle Version 0.99 CENTS



In the compassion of Nashville, Tennessee, two caring doctors, Dr. Faith Lancaster, and Dr. Kaleb Marshall, find themselves swept up in a whirlwind romance amid the backdrop of saving lives.

Their connection is instantaneous, 
their passion intense, with their future seemingly destined. Yet, after just two fleeting months of marriage bliss, Kaleb inexplicably vanishes from Faith's life, leaving her heartbroken and bewildered.

Unbeknownst to Kaleb, 
Faith carries within her a secret. A precious life conceived during their time together.

Struggling to come to terms with Kaleb's sudden departure and facing the daunting prospect of single motherhood, Faith makes the courageous decision to start anew, leaving behind the memories of 
Nashville for the historical solace of Alabama.
In the thronging city of Birmingham, Faith immerses herself in her work, finding solace and purpose in caring and healing others.

As time passes, she gives birth to a beautiful baby, her love for her child providing her with strength and resilience.
However, her heart remains haunted by the memory of Kaleb, and the unanswered questions lingering like shadows in her mind.

Meanwhile, Kaleb, unaware of the life-changing event he unwittingly set in motion, grapples with his own demons, haunted by the memory of the woman he abandoned.

His once-unshakeable conviction begins to waver under the influence of his overbearing mother, who plants seeds of doubt about Faith's character and intentions.

Will Kaleb find Faith and unite as a family?

Many choices must be made and only God knows the answer of their hearts.

But love is patient and love is kind. Love does not rejoice in evil but rejoices in the truth. SO, the truth MUST prevail

Buy on Amazon in Kindle or Paperback.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Grief and Depression


Depression is everywhere. 

No matter what my past education has taught me about grief and depression, it still caused affect.

My American husband being killed on his motorcycle in Nashville, Tennessee the day after he had contacted me in Australia, to say when he would be back, was a shock. 

None of us know when the hour of our death will occur. It is out of our control.

Grief brings depression. Loss of a job, Loss of anything that means so much, can lead to depression.

With depression much comes into our minds. We blame ourselves by looking back and we think... We over-think. 

Then we contemplate on words spoken, of actions taken. Why, didn't we do better?? Why__ Why?? 

I woke up despondent this morning as I have for many months. Then, a F.B. friend who I don't really know NOR have I corresponded with, sent me a wonderful kind message of encouragement about God's love for me. 

I had prayed to God about my feelings, was this HIS answer? 

At times we feel that no matter how we pray and no matter how much faith we have we cannot break the depression. 

I went to this man's FB page, and I saw what I am sharing here today. It caught my attention straight off. 

AND it helped my understanding. 

SO, if you are feeling down? Have the blues, or are seriously depressed as I have been, then take the time to LISTEN and feel helped through understanding God's love. 

I pray this man's genuine care, reaches out to you and touches your heart as it did mine. 


I will watch this again and again, because I know, __the more I listen, the more it will sink down deep into my soul of emotional understanding.