

Sunday, April 3, 2011

God or The devil

I have had much trouble posting this, which tells me, satan, the great deciever, does not want it known.

A beautiful young girl, perhaps about fourteen years of age, had a visitation from an Angel.
She was special, and she proves this by her great faith.
When the Angels tells her, she is to be mother of the Savour of the world there is no hesitation.

Many of us would have been horrified!
Who wants their own family to possibly disown them?
Who cherishes the thought of being taken to the town square and stoned to death?

But Mary spoke these words:
"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my soul rejoices in God my Savour."
Mary herself, subjects herself, and proclaims herself, a sinner.
She rejoices in God as her Savour.
She was not a bad person.
But just as all humanity is born into sin, so was Mary.
And she proclaimed this.

Jesus said, "I am the truth the life and the way, no man comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6 Do you believe this?

Does the Word of God change?
"Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,
who does not change like shifting shadows."
James 1:17

“Now therefore, fear the LORD, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt.
Serve the LORD!
And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Joshua 24:14-15 (N K J Version)


  1. Dear Crystal Mary,

    I'm so thrilled you did post this. Great blog!

    Yes I do believe Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life!!!

    Blessings being sent to you! Have a wonderful day. With love and care from Kerrie. xOx

  2. Thanks Mate, It can be a hard one for many, but each of us has to search our heart, and The Word of God. xx

  3. I believe I can only receive Salvation and Eternal Life through my Lord Jesus Christ and no other!


  4. I still believe in the biblical truth that no man comes to the Father but through Jesus Christ. Sadly there are evangelical Christians today who do not believe this. The devil is a roaring lion looking to see whom he might devour. If people would spend some time in prayerful contemplation of His Word on their own without looking to everyone else to interpret for him/her, perhaps more would believe the Word. Thanks for posting.

  5. Thank you for posting this. A few years back shortly after my late wife and I got saved we watched the full version "Messages From Heaven." My wife was raised Catholic and she was believing this apparition was infact Mary the mother of Jesus. After watching she saw her error and never believed that again.
    Have a blessed day,

  6. Beautiful pictures on your blog -- especially the birds! I, too, am so thankful Jesus provided the One and Only way to the Father through His death on the cross!! Blessings to you.

  7. Excellent. He won't let you re-do all your sins, but He will let you start fresh anew at the cross. God bless.

  8. I believe too...thanks for following your heart and posting

  9. A beautiful post Crystal. I'm catching up with all your adventures today ~ you've been busy. And I love your puppy!

  10. I too believe he is the only way for me. Good luck on your upcoming adventure and He WILL be with you. sandie

  11. I am so appreciative the you posted this clip...It is so easy for us to get taken in by some of these situations that seem so Holy....the deceiver loves it..grrrr...we must always remember to compare any situation to
    God's word...then we can make the right choice or decision...

  12. Such a beautiful portriat of Jesus. He's so accessable and loving.

    With joy,

  13. Dear Crystal Mary,

    I was going to email you, but I can't find where I wrote down your email. Please forgive me.

    Know that I am praying for you as you head interstate this week.

    Safe journey dear friend. Hear from you when you get back.

    With love and care from Kerrie. xOx

  14. Crystal Mary...My mind is set, my eyes are fixed, my heart beats faster, my mouth proclaims...I want to see JESUS my KING....not His mother.

    I respect the position in which God used her, but I'm very careful not to put her in a position to be worshipped

  15. Good post!

    No matter how difficult it is, the least we can do is serve the Lord after all that He did for us.


  16. Beautiful post! I'm so glad you shared it :)

  17. Well said..Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life..when we magnify Him, He makes the Way, the Truth and the Life clearer to us. Mary magnified the Lord, her Saviour to show the way to salvation not that she should be idolised.
    I hope your trip is going well. Talk to you when you get home.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hi Crystal Mary -

    Thank you for this rich meaningful message.

    You expressed, "Now therefore, fear the LORD, serve Him in sincerity and in truth,..."

    Amen to that, Crystal Mary - Amen indeed!

  20. Thank you for sharing this interesting video. We need to always be aware that Satan uses many tactics to deceive people. Thank you for exposing this one.

  21. Amen Cyrstal, I am choosing to serve Jesus today and for the rest of my days. (only by his grace.) I am ever so grateful that God only gives good and perfect gifts. There is no shadow of turning or variableness in our Saviour:)

  22. Love your post Crystal Mary I'm so glad you chose to share this, very important. Love the clip you shared as well. Blessings my friend.

  23. Thanks for sharing :) You never know all the lives you are blessing.

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  24. No where in her apparitions or in her sayings has the Virgin Mary asked people to worship her instead of God, or Jesus.

    If God saw fit to choose her as the Mother of God, who are we to afford her less honor than He has.

    To suggest that her apparitions and sayings are all the works of the devil is a misconception borne of misunderstanding and doubts. That in itself being the work of the devil to cause confusion amongst believers.

    God bless.

  25. Hello, very nice to meet you through the A-Z challenge :) Good Luck and it would be nice to see more of your great posts!

  26. I tried to post, and it "disappeared" so I will try again! As I was watching the video I thought of that verse "There is ONE God and ONE Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus" and then it was mentioned at least twice in the video. I honor Mary as the Mother of Jesus, but I believe Jesus is the Way to the Father according to John 14:6.

  27. Mary was blessed not because the Lord chose her --He has chosen all of us-- but because she accepted with an open heart.

  28. I believe more and more everyday as I witness miracle after miracle.

  29. How did I miss this post? This is pretty powerful thank you for sharing it.

    I have family members that are Catholic and believe on the Virgin Mary; how sad. :( They also believe that because God is love none will perish. I try to explain but they just don't listen.

    Jesus is coming soon and Satan is fighting oh so hard.

    Blessings sister, praying for you and your mum!


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