

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Prophetic Dream ?

So strange!
As we go into winter (Australia), many of you approach summer...
I always think what a wonderful world be have.

And how diverse.
So much is happening everywhere.

My daughter Daniella came over to cheer me up today, and left me some beautiful praise and worship songs on a DVD.  

I told her about a disturbing dream I had last night.

First of all, I was in a massive church and it was full of love and good people.
Next, I was in a market place, sort of in, the Middle East.
A sheep.... a full grown lamb, was displayed up on a shelf..
The horrible part was, it had been skinned alive, and was still alive.
It was unrecognizable, but I knew what it was.
I was stunned, shocked and very distressed about this, and am still.
Then I woke up.

Daniella said. "Well mum, Jesus was the lamb that was slain, yet still lives. Have you thought about that."
I had to admit, I hadn't.
"Pray about this Mum, ask God to show you what it all meant," she said.
SO I am now believing for an answer.

"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."
 Isaiah 53:5

In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on men
as they slumber in their beds, 
Job 33:15


  1. Phil 4:6-7. All your fresh springs are in Him. xo

    1. Thank you so much Susy....Be anxious for nothing... Bless you. xx

  2. May God give you peace and help you know the meaning of your dream.

  3. What a disturbing dream. I do tend to agree with your daughter the lamb representing Jesus and His wonderful sacrifice.

    Praying you will be given full understanding of this dream.


  4. I can see why that dream would be troubling. I add my prayers in agreement with yours that you have discernment about it. Hugs to you, my friend!

    P.S. I wrote a post about a memory from the Vietnam War, and I thought about what you've written about your Ray. God bless him, and all the others like him.

    1. Thank you Shelly. I will read it and tell him. Hopefully he will read it also. xxxx

  5. That was a disturbing dream - I have no idea. Hope you are okay. sandie

  6. I think your dream may be about the coming persecution of the church. The distortion of Gods truth.

  7. We may all understand it all too soon if the Lord tarries.

  8. I haven't had a dream in years...that I recall.

    1. You have an awakening dream Stan..And that is for many to know and praise the Lord, and for June to raise up on eagles wings, to run and not get weary, to walk and not be faint. I pray all your dreams come true. Blessings to you both.

  9. WOW Crystal ...what an incredible dream...I do not think it was the "dinner" you ate...I think it is real and has tremendous spiritual stated, "The horrible part was, it had been skinned alive, and was still alive. It was unrecognizable, but I knew what it was.
    I was stunned, shocked and very distressed about this, and am still."
    Isaiah, a prophet of Jehovah God, in chapter 52:14 ..states his visage was so marred more than any man....this is prophetic of Jesus ....
    I think that the world has so skinned the Truth < which Jesus said he was the way truth and life > that Truth is no longer recognized and the "image of truth" we have setup for the "market place" is a Truth that has been "skinned beyond recognition"...I also believe that the only ones that will recognize the Truth or Jesus will be His True Followers...during the time of the Tribulation the Anti-Christ will deceive many and present himself upon the "shelf" as the slain lamb...oh so many possiblities of this dream's meaning...I agree with others ..just stay in prayer and in God's timing He will reveal the purpose of your dream....Hugs ...

    1. Thank you for your input Rhonda, I was given a verse in Isaiah last night. So I went straight away to read it. It all added up and the best part is, I believe the attack I was under from satan for the past couple of months has lifted.

  10. Isaiah 53:5 is one of my faves!!! I know your dream was God just speaking to you, letting you know that even if you had been the only one in need...He would have died just for you!!! It was His personal love letter to you, even if it was a bit disturbing!!! Love you, sweet blogging friend!

    1. Thank you Debbie, I am in awe at Gods love. We don't fully understand it and won't, until He returns. xx


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