

Friday, October 14, 2022

No Condemnation in Christ Jesus.


Have you ever done something that you knew you MUST do, but is not totally honest.

I pondered over something that could have caused a lot of anxiety and stress to myself and to others.

What would I do? 

Really, as a Christian in the beginning I should have prayed, and I have known in time that God would have worked it out. 

In fear, I took it into my own hands and then needed to remain quiet.

Looking back, no one has been hurt. No one has suffered, yet I still wish I had left it in God's hands. 

The lesson learned.. Pray, leave it with God, and in His time, it will all work out. 

I have admitted my sin to another Christian and I have asked God's forgiveness for butting in. 

Now, I must forgive myself and thats the hardest part. 


 Be kind, loving, and forgiving to all as Jesus was. 


  1. We carry things for such a long time and we finally give it to God. We knew better but we continue to learn every day about our need to depend on Him. Thanks for sharing this blog.


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Dio ti ama così siamo connessi.