

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bless the Lord

Psalm 103

"Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name."
I love you Lord, and I thank and praise you for all our many blessings.

White cheeked honey eater on a eucalyptus tree
I am reminded how God gives us everything and much of that, we take for granted.

The wide variety of birds and their different coloured plumage.
Are a joy to the eye and ear.

King parrot.
They help keep the insects under control.

Blue winged kookaburra
Known as the bush clock, you can reply on them to awaken you with their laughter at the same time every morning.
They are one bird welcome in the garden as they eat the snakes.
If they laugh in the middle of the day it means a change in the weather. 

 Ring neck parrot
A Sweet intruder, and a joy to behold. 

Water hen
Walks daintily across the lillypads seeking a feed.

The wedged tail eagle.
Stands three feet tall and has a wing span of up to eight feet wide.
This all seeing majestic wonder reminds me of our God.
He defends his territory by soaring high above the earth.
And keeps an ever vigilant watch. 

"But those who wait upon the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31

Bless the Lord, oh my soul for thou art mighty in all the earth.


  1. I really needed to read Isaiah 40 today. Thanks for reminding me when I get mired down and the rut looks dark and deep. I love all of your bird photos. They are beautiful.

  2. Many thanks Larry...Rise up on Wings Of an Eagle.. You are special to God.

  3. Another excellent post with beautiful photos. From what I can see from your life and your blog, God has blessed you multiple talents. You must be one of his favorite people!

  4. I love your message today and your birds - the birds there - remind me of God's wonderful art work. sandie

  5. I can't get over the colour of the birds! Are these really all wild? The poor eagle looks a bit tardy beside the rest - but what a magnificent bird it is. I love the 'eagle's wing' quote from Isaiah. My other favourite 'eagles wing' quote is from Exodus 19 (referring to the Lord's deliverance of Israel from bondage in Egypt):
    "You yourself have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself".
    For this reason the first ship bringing Ulster Presbyterians fleeing persecution from near where I live to America in 1634 was called "The Eagle's Wing".

  6. Beautiful pictures!! I learned so much about the kookaburra - I may just have to copy and paste into my file of 'must know' information about Australian birds. Thanks so much :)

  7. "The earth is His and everything in it." He is such an artist!!!

  8. What beauty. We are studying Isaiah this year in BSF, How rich it is and we are only in ch6! to God be the glory for all the beauty, this is a beautiful post!

  9. I have never in my loooonnnnngggg life seen birds like these--so beautiful!

  10. Very nice and sweet photographs of birds---appriciable post.

  11. beautiful birds. God has given us so many great things in life.thanks rose

  12. Those are some beautiful pictures Crystal Mary; Thankful for God's eyes that are always over me. Just also wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and your gracious comment. I hope I am a MARY;at least,that is who I pray God makes me into. Have a blessed weekend!

  13. Beautiful! We love birds but not enough variety here in the ol' Rog-vegas. Thank you for sharing.

  14. Hi Georges, My hubby is mainly the photographer.We both love birds and are blessed to get so many in our yard. Thank you for the compliment.

    Hello Sandie,God is indeed, a great artist and to be praised.

    Hello Phillip, The birds are like coloured rainbow. Their naughty act is to eat one bite out of a piece of fruit an go on to the next one. I know that passage of scripture, there is a song to it.
    "I have carried you on eagles wings, I will care you you in all your days." You may know it?? Imagine such a wonderful name placed onto a ship taking Gods people to a refuge.

    G'day Dorothy, hey mate the kookaburra is a happy chappy.... we have two near us. They start at five thirty every morning.. Wish they'd eat the pythons, not big enough I'm afraid.. hey, and take whatever you like from my Blog, you are more than welcome.

    Hello Stan, Spot on!! there is none better.

    Hello Shannon, Isaiah is the best!!!!!!!!
    My grandson was named after him only with a Z for the S.. Bless you.

    Dear Sr Anne, I will have to post more photos, just for you. Any you like just right click and take..beautiful enlarged and framed..
    God gives freely to us to share.

    Hello Hemant, Glad to have your visit. Appreciated.

    Hello Rose, God sure did friend..we should thank Him continually.

    Dear Toyin, Yes you are a Mary, a sweet delight to the Lord.

    * Just for those of you who may wonder?
    My first name is Crystal, given to me at birth...not made up by me. Mary is my second name, for which, when I knew the meaning I would have prefered something else. I use both names as one person once told me it brings me back earth (reality)...


  16. Hello dear Crystal Mary,
    The bird photographs are beautiful and I love your reading today from Isaiah.
    I am soaring on eagles wings today. He has renewed my strength and I pray the Lord is lifting my husband too as he has this operation today.
    Bless you. June xx

    PS You and Ray look good in the picture!xx

  17. June...WOOO HOOOO, Three cheers for you and your Freddie... I am believing our Jesus will make him well and send him home to you once more. Praise His name!!

  18. Dear Crystal,

    Your blog is amazing! I LOVE your photography - the colors on these birds and the crispness of the images is stunning! I love your positive energy too. I have signed up to follow you and invite you to join me at Create With Joy!

    Have a wonderful weekend!



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