

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Is The Bible A Mystery???

Do you think the Bible is a mystery?
Many churches actually teach that.
For this reason, those who attend often only listen and believe as truth, what they hear taught from the pulpit.
I wonder if you are one of those??
It's amazing how many are.

I was in a Supermarket one day when a woman tried to tell me that the prayers she recites daily are all from a certain New Testament book.
Absolutely, Not True... Only one of the prayers were, and that was 'The Lords Prayer.'
This caused me to wonder again??
When most people today are literate,  why don't they read the Bible for themselves???
It is so full of exciting news.       That's why we Christians call it, The Truth'!!'

During my recent trip to far North Queensland, I met up with a wonderful Bible Scholar again, by the name of Val Pym...
What an intelligent humble lady. 

Val has written another book and called it..
The Other Bible Code.
It is so easy to read, and very simply explained...
Wooooooooo Hoooooooooo!!
Even I can understand it.
It is great!!
It puts together, from the Old and New Testament, Gods plan for man.
As you begin to read, the lights will turn on..
Ahh... Why didn't I see this before...
Well, let me tell you.
The Devil does a great job of tricking and deceiving..
And that's why we get all caught up in what we think We Have To Do.
Instead of realising.....It Is Already Done!!
Thank You Jesus!!

God Bless you Val.. I am proud to be counted your friend.
Val Pym's Book:
Available from  among many other on-line sources

Val  Pyms  BLOG:

The King Is Coming.....
Please paste this onto the web address if it won't link from here.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.
This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.
1 Peter 1: 3-5


  1. Respected Sister,
    though i am a hindu ,but i always goes to all religion's palces.i alwyas read and here evry religions books.
    and i felt that bible's stories and prayers always give us power to proceed ...and not to stop in life. i belive that bible is totaly true.....
    Best wishes.

  2. Is that book really good Crystal and Christian? Might want to read it.

  3. Hi Crystal Mary,

    Thanks for sharing this book, I will have to look it up. I will stop by your friends blog and check it out.

    Thanks for sharing, always love new reads!

    Blessings sister,

  4. Hello Hemant, Yes the Bible is true, and there is much proof as evidence. However, just believing the Bible is true is not enough. Each person must themselves, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved...He came, and He died, for us.. He is our only way to eternal life. I pray find a faith in Jesus.

    Hi Sandie, The book is a real eye opener..and you would have to meet Val to know what a special lady she

    Child of God, I pray many purchase and read this book. xx

  5. I agree with you Crystal Mary. The Bible is true and since it is true, we need to read and obey. I'm going over to check out the book. Thank you for the link.

  6. I like books that explain things easy. Thank-you for this link,I'm going to book mark it.
    God Bless,

  7. Hello Crystal Mary, popped in to your blog yesterday and then followed you link to Val's blog. Thanks, it was an interesting read.
    There was a time when I was searching for God and read everything I could get my hands on. Books about genetics, philosophy, ancient history, quantum physics and so on and so on and then I had an experience with God himself and now I can't read any book but the bible. Strange how this amazing book has taken over my life. The answers are all in there and I'm honoured that the Lord has allowed me to look into what He has to say. There are so many people I know who refuse to read the Bible, they will read anything else but the Bible is a big no no. Oh well, it's their choice.
    God bless you my friend, Geoff.

  8. Great message Crystal. Relationships develop from our hearts and I think it's the same with our relationship with God....Thanks for posting this. Hope your weekend is going great.

  9. My dear Crystal Mary,
    I am amazed how much your post goes along with mine. I love it when this happens. God speaks through his people, and often we can see the same message told in different ways. Yes, God speaks through the Bible, and it is not meant to be a mystery. It is meant to be understood and give light. I will check out Valerie Pym's blog. God bless you, my sister!

  10. Dear Charlotte, Bless you sister.xx

    Ginger, easy is the way in this hurried world. xx

    Hi Geoff, when I was a child I leart a song called, "The best book to read is the Bible." yes it is the greatest.. some don't quite get it? Yet even for me, this book of Val's brings everything together so well. I also love talking to Val..she lives the Word.

    Hi Sarah, So very true.xx

    Hello Patti, Yes I saw how our two Blogs fitted in theme.. it really stirs the heart to see this and know, God is directing.

  11. I know, I fully agree that people should get into it for themselves and do some research too..there are so many good references around. Every book in the Bible speaks of grace, redemption, salvation and the overwhelming love that God has for people. I guess He is so clever that what is apparent is hidden and takes the Holy Spirit to reveal to a hard hearted generation.

  12. I love hearing about books someone else already loves. And if it's about the Bible I'm delighted! Thanks for sharing it.


  13. Hi Crystal,
    I just popped over to say "hi" and sending ((hugs)) your way!

  14. The devil is a great deceiver and prowls around, looking for our weaknesses and striking where we are weak or proud. But Jesus will not lose any of he ones God has given Him and will finish what he started! Praise His name, we can depend on Him!


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