

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Is life difficult? 
Do you feel you can't take any more?

Why bother eating.
Why bother breathing.

People use you.
They take you for granted. 

Nothing makes sense.
Death is welcome. 

Where is God?
Why does this happen?

What does God tell us? 

Surprisingly he says, to be thankful in ALL things, as this is HIS WILL for you and for me. 

No one has a perfect life. Yet the SECRET of a HAPPY LIFE is giving thanks, and overlooking the hurts, pain, disappointments, and trauma. 

Is that easy to do?  NO, not at all. 

God sees all and knows all. 
The weak give up.
The strong keep praying.

If I am discontent with my life, then I am saying, God has made mistakes with me. 

Does he make mistakes? NO... He sees the bigger picture and He knows the end result. 

So rest in His love with acceptance for the REWARD is worth many tears. 

                       HEAVEN AWAITS THE FAITHFUL
                                                                FOR ETERNITY


Please take the time to leave a comment. I enjoy reading your replies. Often you encourage or teach me something I need to know. Life is full of wonderful surprises, so go ahead and AMAZE me today.

Dio ti ama così siamo connessi.