

Saturday, September 29, 2018


Working in medicine and learning the physiology of the human body and how it works is too amazing for words.  It's mind-boggling MIRACULOUS!

Many people never consider the greatness of our human anatomy - they take it for granted.

TRUELY, the complexity of how everything works together and how it can naturally care for itself is beyond comprehension. It is an intelligent design that is comprised of an amalgamation of different systems that together make a complex organism.

Yes! God performed a MIRACLE in how he put us together,

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. 
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; 
my soul knows it very well."  Psalms 139:13

A man and woman do their job to procreate a baby. And for many, it is easy. 
But putting the parts all together perfectly and making them work is then up to our creator God. 

  Look carefully at each stage of development. It is an intricate plan in the making.

Now look internally and try to understand. 

There is no way I can show or teach everything so this is only a tiny example.

The Blue tubes (black blood) running from the body up to the heart and then to the lungs is taking blood  to be saturated with oxygen (O2)
The Red tubes (arterial blood) running back from the lungs to the heart and then pumped to the rest of the body -  feeds the billions of cells with O2 which it received from the lungs. 

Your heart is a muscle that beats without you having to tell it. So it's an involuntary muscle.  
It's size is about the same as your closed fist. 

The average heart pumps 72 beats a minute. (A baby's heart beats up to 160 beats a minute). 
So depending on the 72 B.P.M. rate, it pumps 1.3 gallons of blood (5 liters) per minute. 

Why does the heart need O2?  Because without O2 the heart dies and so do the body cells.

There are billions and billions of cells throughout the body and they control everything we need to live. 
The nervous system, reproduction, transport, metabolism, converting food to energy, getting rid of toxins and waste, secretion... and more. 

So can you see that we had to be created by an intelligence greater than our own - because of our complexity? 

So what then is the BIG BANG THEORY? It's a crazy man made-up idea to take away the MIRACLE of HOW GOD CREATED every living person, animal and plant on the planet. 

How can anyone believe a THEORY? 

"Thank you, Lord God for our amazing bodies and how everything works in unison twenty- four hours a day, on and on until we return to you. Amen"




                                                  A Message to our loving Lord. 


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