

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Set Free by Jesus

I grew up in a time where we kept our feeling, thoughts and hurts to ourselves.
Marrying at a young age to a man I loved beyond all else,  then to be held in subservience by him, I silently grieved for many years . 

Not all cultures believe the same way. Western culture predominately considers male and female on equal terms. 

This is not the case in many European and Eastern countries.
Here the woman must bow to the power of male dominance. 

God did not instigate this. He gave instructs for the husband to love his wife and for the wife to respect the husband. 

We read and hear horrible facts in the daily news of women who are mistreated by a father or husband.

One of my books relate to the hurt of living in a home where even as a grown woman, there are no choices. 

My story is of a young woman brought up in Western society with middle Eastern rules and strict religion. 

Feeling lost and unloved she makes careful plans to escape. 

She is like a moth trapped in a tightly woven cocoon who finally breaks free and becomes a beautiful butterfly.   Free on Kindle Unlimited or $2.99 
The Paperback version of this book may be purchased through any bookstore in the world on request. 

"THEN you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"
John 8:32  The Bible. 


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