

Monday, January 27, 2020

The Greatest Teacher of Them All

While earnestly in prayer this morning I was reminded of the Beatitudes.. Jesus Blessings to us.

In Jesus own words He focuses on our  weaknesses and our strengths and how they can be turned to good in our Fathers sight.  
His words uplifted the downtrodden as an example for us to do the same.
So, never let your words hinder or be judgemental.  

Are you feeling lost?

Are you sorrowing after something?

Do you feel inadequate?

We are ALL different. God made us so. 


Two of these components differ.

Our bodies are different in gender, then shape, size, and looks.

Our souls are also different in our likes, needs, wants, thoughts, desires. Yes, our soul is the us that we are. It is our personality and these differ.

Our only likeness is our Spirits because they are created in the image of God.

Yet with our spirit we can CHOSE to be filled with holiness, or we can choose to be filled with evil. 

Is all holiness the same? When we choose Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Savor, we will want to walk in His ways. 

We won't all see Gods Word in the same way because our souls are different. AND.. we can be at a different growing stage of our life journey. BUT, we are to keep our eyes on Jesus, as our main focus.    NOT, disagree on various scripture meanings. 

Who are we to judge another child of God? 

 Be encouraged. Be uplifted. Be blessed.

God understands you. He looks into your heart.

 Read the Beatitudes that JESUS spoke. Hear His voice in your mind as you do.  

KNOW that GOD ACCEPTS and LOVES you....                            

Just as you are......  

Read your Bible... and let the Holy Spirit teach you. 

Turn your eyes upon Jesus  ....  He is everything. 


  1. Thanks for a very encouraging post Yes in the midst of our sorrow let's us be compassionate for the others and ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with his love so that in turn we forgive others. Thank you dear Jesus for your amazing love. Amen


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Dio ti ama così siamo connessi.