

Monday, April 5, 2021

Christ Sacrifice for US..

Could you volunteer to die in place of another?? 

Jesus didn't just die in place of all the wrong others did and we still do

His death was shocking. Whipped with leather cords that were entwined with glass.

The flesh stripped from his back and wherever it pounded His flesh. 

He took the our guilt with much pain, because of His love for mankind. 

He was an innocent person, who only did good for everyone all through His short time on earth. 

He healed the sick and gave freedom to us through His sacrifice and His suffering. 

I can't begin to imagine, how terrible this was.

Easter is often a time that the unbelieving go away for respite, enjoyment, and celebration. 

For those who believe, its a time of pondering and feeling thankful. 

The PASSOVER. The night before He died, Jesus gathered with His disciples to celebrate a Passover meal. I knitted a long strip of red to hang off my verandah in memory of this.

(The Passover is commemorated for the night that the Israelites were to run from the Pharaoh in Egypt. They painted blood over their door posts, for the angel of death to pass over them. That same angel, killed all of the Egyptian young. This was done to show the might of God against Pharaoh forcing him to let the enslaved Children of Israel, Gods people, leave.)    

 The next day, Jesus was brought before Herod and accused by the Jews. He was tortured, then led to a hill named Golgotha, to be crucified. Two thieves were crucified with Him, one on either side. The one on the right side, acknowledged him as Lord, and would go to Heaven. The one on the left didn't and would go to hell. 

Like those thieves on the crosses. We have a choice. Believe in Jesus and all that he did for us and go to Heaven at death. OR, ignore him in your short life, turn your back and go to hell. 

YES, life on earth is short... compared to eternity in either HEAVEN or HELL.. 

If you don't know much about Him, purchase a New Testament and learn. No one knows the day or the hour of their death, there is NO bailing out at the last moment. No being sorry that you didn't understand or have time.....  So wake up and repent today. 

I have a large family. due to distances and obligations, we get together as able. Here are my two son's and some of my grandchildren, together in the Lord, for a Resurrections Day evening meal. One of my daughters took this photo. My elder son presided at the head of the table, and prayed a blessing over us all. 

      Left: Pasquale (Lee) Elyshah, Sharney, Pietro (Peter) Izaiah (Zai) Antonio, Jessica, Myself. 
                                                             GOD IS GOOD

From daily verse net.



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