

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

I Believe in MIRACLES

Your Heart is approximately the same size as your closed fist.

Bundle Branch Block - with gaps where the heart stops for a short time.

A few years ago I suffered from a heart complaint known as (L) Bundle Branch Block. I had experienced two cardiac arrests while living in America and this was likely the end result.

The heart contains two bundle branches, a left, and a right. There is an electrical system which stimulates and fires between these two branches to keep the heart in a healthy rhythm. 

Coming back to live in Australia with this condition I was sent to be assessed by Dr. David Cross a cardiologist. He saw me on a regular basis for two years before deciding to investigate it further. My worst symptoms were the episodes of almost fainting. The room would spin with everything turning black for a few seconds.

The night before entering the hospital, I asked Pastor Gary if I could have prayer for healing and oil anointing.

He and the church elders plus my husband Ray were all present on that night. The Bible scriptures on healing were read aloud for understanding. This was one of those scriptures.  

James 5:14-15 “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

Everyone lay hands on me, with each person taking the time to pray individually. Then I asked the Lord to forgive me for any committed sins either on purpose or unintentionally. 

Next Day: I caught a train to Brisbane. Climbing the steep hill from Auchenflower train station to the Main Hospital Entrance I had no problems with shortness of breath which was unusual. 

Admitted and before being taken to my room, I was fitted with a telemetry. This is a small type of portable E.C.G. monitor that transfers a heart pattern to a computer screen. These screens with a patient name and room number are situated on display throughout the ward for constant vigil. They raise the alarm, in case of a severe problem.
Looking at a screen as I was about to enter my room, I saw that my heart was NO LONGER in bundle branch block but back in NORMAL sinus rhythm.
The joy of the Lord burst forth as I laughed with recognition, yes the Lord had miraculously healed me.
I said nothing to David as I entered the theatre for him to perform an angiogram on me the next day.      
This test is performed under local anesthetic with a catheter (a long thin tube) inserted into the femoral artery (groin), it is pushed up inside until it reaches the heart. A special dye is injected into the coronary arteries and X-rays are taken. Just as I was going under the anesthetic I remember the doctor looking at his screen and joking, “hey Crystal, look at your heart.”

In recovery later and still woozy, David told me I was fine and would go home the next day.
Asking the evening nurse, what time David completed his daily rounds, I was told he was NOT a morning person, and always came after lunch.
So I was amazed when he came busting into my room at 7am the next day. He said to me, “I am astounded, no I am flabbergasted! Your heart is fine! It’s like that of a newborn baby.”
He looked in shock seemingly confused about what he was saying.
I was laughing so he must have thought I was mad.
I told him about the prayer for healing, and he just stared. He knew this was a miracle because he was the one to perform the previous blood tests, ECGs and stress test on me.
God doesn’t always heal, yet he does tell us, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18.


  1. just buried husband of 44 years. quote about turning 'sorrow into joy' helpful.
    waiting for the joy.
    saw you on gorges grouse.

    deborah harvey

    1. Hello Deborah, how sad for you to loose your young husband, I am so sorry. I have come through much in my life. When grief hits we don't know how to handle it or what is happening when our world is falling apart. Yet as time passes we learn to accept and go on. Yes, it is a battle and it took me ten years to see my mourning turned around. May our Lord surround you with his love and peace. xx


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