

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Following an accident which stopped my walking and running I slowly began to put on weight.

God knows the desires of our hearts.

A friend who has always battled with over eating recently began a life commitment to eating properly. She explained, it is not a diet because, diets fail. 

I have begun to read this book and am very impressed. So, I would like to share it with you. 

I am giving a sneek preview so you can make your own evalutation. 
After all.....Life is about choices.

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15.  


Saturday, February 27, 2010


Dear God,
I woke up feeling wonderful this morning. It was so fresh and cool with the windows open and a lovely breeze drifting over my bed. 
The overhead fan hummed contentedly encouraging a feeling of peace to permiate the room. I just lay there,  savouring You and the moment.  

Up and off to exercises, followed by a Cappicino lazily enjoyed while watching people rushing past the Cafe`.

"We are going to mow the lawn," I told my little dog Monty after arriving back home. 

It was so good Lord. Cloudy and not too hot. With the rain unsure whether to pelt down or wait for me to finish. You had it under control, there was no need for concern.....thank you.

Did I appreciate that cool shower later! And after reasuring Monty I'd be gone for a while I took off to a party at Frances and Chris's home. 

You know how lovely they are, a genuine caring couple, I always enjoy their Christian hospitality. We talked and shared together after the party.
Later Chris served his wonderful Malaysian chichen curry and even gave me more to take home. 

I just want to praise and thank you for a wonderful day and good friends. 
PROVERBS 17:17 "A friend loves at all times." 


Thursday, February 25, 2010

JESUS The Greatest Teacher.

It's not who you are in the world that matters, it's who you are in Christ.

A well know public identity, Nicodemus called to see Jesus one night.

He was a well educated man and one of authority.
Like many such persons he could have considered he knew it all!    
He was a Sanhedrin! From the highest legal and judicial body of the Jews, so he was, the Cre`me de la crem.
Yet, he esteemed Jesus, by calling him Rabbi (teacher). 
He also acknowledged Jesus came from God.

Recently I received an email from an unsaved friend. Everything in this email brought out some of the worst events mentioned in the Old Testiment......  
It was signed by a Professor from some University?

I was astounded!  The reason being...if a Universiy Professor wrote such a letter, he would not have taken only one section of the Bible, and write about it with authority. Firstly, he'd RESEARCH  all the other books of the Bible before trying to reach a conclusion. Next, he'd have written in the third person, not the first.   

Back to Nicodemus...   As a scholar he wanted to know more. He wanted to RESEARCH and comprehend this Rabbi Jesus. He wanted to acknowledged his own belief, that Jesus came from God.   He humbled himself ... and became the student. He wanted to understand.........

Surprisingly,  people wish to understand more about God yet don't go to him personally.

I would advise anyone..... If you don't own a Bible, buy one! If you don't like reading, buy a Bible D.V.D.
Begin with Genesis and the Creation, then go on and read the New Testament. (The new Will of God). When you feel you understand this (somewhat), then, read God's Old Will. 
The Old Testament (Old Will)....brings into effect the new....
And with the new, you will learn... As the wise Nicodemus. 
The Truth That Sets You Free.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gods Good Health

Much Good Health is Automatic:  Some may disagree, however here are some of my tips for living a healthier lifestyle.

1. Fresh Air (containes 21% oxygen (U.S.) otherwise known as O2.  Or O3 near the ocean.)
Too many of us live continually in Airconditioned comfort. When weather permits, open windows and door and breath that good fresh air. O2 feeds your cells. Without that food cells die and so do you!  O2 is something you cannot live long enjoy the benefit of fresh air. 
Breath properly: Watch a baby sleeping and you will see a good breather. As we age we become lazy taking the O2 into our upper respiratory tract. So become aware of the value of fresh air.

2. Water. I spoke on this previously. Drinking water cleans your insides. Just think! When you wash your car or your use water. Not Coco Cola, Tea, Coffee or similar. By all means drink these also if you desire....Just don't omit a few glasses of,  just water.

3. Eat Live Foods. Cancer killing proven fact by Dr Stepehen Mak (BSF Course).  Fresh fruit needs to be eaten on an empty stomach...To...Detox your system and provide more life enriching energy for weight loss and activities. Fruit eaten after meals ferments and goes bad.   Vegtable are another live food necessary for good health. Eat raw, juiced or steamed......BUT...leave the skin on! This is where the most nutrients are. I am not against meat or dairy products..... However, eat well. 

4. Laugh.  Wonderful medicine. Lifts brain endorphins alleviating mood swings and depression. 
Clears the lungs and assists in lung'/ heart function. 

5. Exercise. Swimming (passive)  is the best as it prevents wear and tear on ankles, knees and hips.
Also useful for those with any mobility problems.
Or walk 20 minutes 3 times per week at least. And when you do, meditate!
Thank God for all you have. Praise Him in the nature you see all around. The birds singing, the flowers blooming, a floating butterfly a frillneck lizard racing by. There is so much to see and be thankful for. This allows time to rest and refreshen your spirit with all Gods created beauty.


 My daughter Daniella sharing the love at the beach.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Meaning of a Name

Oh how important it is, to name a child correctly. God tells us our words are important!

In Matthew 12:36, We are told, not to let our words be careless.

A nickname can be careless and very harmful!

To those of us who love God, we want to build up another by our words! Not tear them down.
Yes a child may accept a nickname, even laugh at it because they know naught else to do.
However, the name caller will be held accountable before God.

Look at the Bible.........
See how God changed a persons name to change the character of  a person. And to perhaps change the direction of that persons life.

Jacob was wrestled with all night, and his name changed.
From Jacob meaning "Supplanter or Deceiver" He became Israel meaning "Having Power With God." 

Why did God do this??
Because...Names are important !!!.........

My own 4 childrens names  and meanings: 
"Euphemia" (43yrs) Spoken well of  (yes she is)
"Hope"         Trust, Faith (yes she has)
"Peter"         (41yrs) Rock  (Yes, he is very dependable)
"Anthony"   Worthy of Praise (Yes, he is)

"Daniella"   (37) God is my judge (God convicts her)
"Marguerite"  A pearl (She is a rare person)

"Pasquale"  (30) Born at Easter (True believer)
"Joel" The Lord Is God  (He named his own son Izaiah, meaning Salvation of God)

I was unable to name 3 of my childrens first names. But God took care of this for me.

Isaiah 26:3. "I will keep in perfect peace, he who's mind is stayed in thee."

The boy Samuel. Name meaning "Gods Word." And that's what he became. 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Believe in Water

My Pool
I love water.  The taste, sound, sight, feel and at the ocean, the smell.
If you can't sleep just close your eyes and see the ocean, listen to the waves crashing on the sand,and smell that salty aroma. I can't think of the ocean without reflecting on the pelican so majestically strolling while keeping an eye alert for fish. For the dolphins swimming in early each morning seeking human contact and finally, the humpbacks frolicking out in the deep. I forget the sharks because mainly we have shark patrols and nets....
I used to live 10 minutes walk to the ocean, the beautiful Pacific, that changes colour with tempist.
Now its an hours drive away and the most serene tranquil place to sit and watch the sun rising on the horizon. It's incredible.

But there's always the pool, to swim laze and relax in. A soothing balm.
I came off duty one night arriving home at 2300hrs, peeled off my uniform full pelt, and took a hurried shower, before racing to the pool. I can't swim having experienced 2 near drownings. But I have a floaty and put that on to swim up and down.
On this particular night not long after soaking I felt something close by touch my body. In the half light I could see a long thin curved shape. "Oh no, a snake!"  I got out as fast as possible.   Via torch light I discovered a long leaf from the overhead palm tree floating on the water. Needless to say, the torch was used from then on to make sure it was safe before climbing in. 

Drink lots of water: Your endocrine gland function will improve. By drinking water, more fat is used as fuel, since the liver is free to metabolize stored fat.  Drink a glass instead of reaching for something to eat, it curbs hunger. And when at home on a hot day, saturate your facial and neck skin with it. It's cheaper and better than a moisturiser.
Praise God for His unlimitless love in gifts freely given. Let's not take them for granted  

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Discovering Ansestors

You could be working with, or living close by, someone your related to. My mother constantly plagued me about her cousin's daughter. "She works at your hospital, she's a nurse like you, you must have met her. Her name is Alison." I explained to my mother again, how many nurses worked there! "I don't know her Mum!"
One day. Arriving on Orthopaedic's and the last in the door for hand-over, I was informed I was to work in Emergency. All the other nurses stared silently. Glad it wasn't them. Walking into the unknown, the first nurse I met and became good friends with was Ali. After being together for a couple of weeks I receive another call from my mother. "If your working in Emergency, then you must have met Alison!" Racking my brain, I couldn't think of anyone by that name.
Her father called her also, informing her of me.  
She was waiting! and pounced hugging me when I walked in on an afternoon shift.
"Your my cousin!" 
It was Ali.... ..and we rejoiced.
Later she gave me old photos of our mutual great grand family....... I have posted one here today.
Life is wonderful. You never know ... the next person you meet ... may be related.   
Great Grand parents from Wales.  Ellen and Thomas.
(Doesn't he resemble my grandfather, his son, in the photo below)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

"Not What My Hands" By Aaron Keyes

Oh...ones soul sours with this beautiful song. I pray it blesses the ears, and refreshes the heart....

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Time Under The Heavens

The song was written by an old man simply known as 'Pop' and I listened to the words while driving home.
"There is no-one like my Jesus, he is all in all to me, there is no-one like my Jesus...."

Tears escaped the prison storage of my eyes to finally seek release.
Hearing this dear man sing with a simple quitar accomplishment brought back memories long lost, hidden deep within the crevasses of my mind.

God keeps our tears in a bottle, none are wasted. Tears stand for sorrow and with sorrow comes, learning, understanding and hopefully wisdom. 

I was eight years old when my maternal grandfather passed away. The telegram explaining this was delivered to my mother. A piece of paper extinguishing a life. 
How can a child fathom that? so to me it was untrue!
I often sat at the window and watched far up that long dirt road, waiting for his return. 

For many years I kept this Godly man alive in my heart. I remembered the feel of his rough trousers as he crowded us grandchildren on his knee and sang. "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world."

It took a simple tape for me to cry,... thirty two years later.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Matter of Ethics

The word ethics is derived from the greek, ethos, which means customs, conduct, habitual use and character.
It involves the use of Beneficence: Doing the greatest good for the largest number of people.
And Non Maleficence: Above all , doing no harm.

An example of this may be the difference between a patient  going fearfully or not, to surgery.
In one instance the nurse may be offhanded and say, "There's nothing to worry about, settle down." While the other nurse,sits at eye level with the patient and says. "There is a wonderful team waiting to take care of you in there. And one person, the Anaesthetist, who watches your heart rate, bloodpressure, respirations and the oxygen in your blood supply at all times. He is ready to act quickly, very quickly,  should there be any deviations.
Can you see in your mind.... the wonderful help you are going have? and,  I'll be here waiting to look after you when you get back" 

Anxiety can be more of a problem than the actual physical compaint. With anxiety further complications may occur. So its best to aleviate the symptoms and calm the patient.  
This is assurance. Given in the act of kind words acting as a healing balm to sooth the soul.
"As for you, Brothers (NURSES), do not grow weary in doing good."
2 Thessalonians 3:13
Love is patient, Love is kind.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Understanding Others

A Picture tells a thousand words, and if you wish to understand others, look at what they paint or draw. Working in Mental Health I encouraged the patients to paint. It wasn't an easy task as suspicion rises.
So I set up a huge table with paints, paper and water and started doing a painting myself. Gradually they came. First they watched and then brushes were sort as they commenced to paint their feelings.
"That's wonderful!" I'd encourage....can you tell me about it. Some gave a great story, others nothing. Recently my little granddaughter has closed off and isolated. Realising there was more to the heart of the matter I suggested we paint. She landscaped a field with flowers and a house. No people just isolation. So I understood this is how she is feeling. A little lost, with only nature as her friends. We talked about it. I shared parts of my childhod and gave her lots of love. Going home she hugged me and said, "I love you Nanni."
Below is one of my own paintings. A house standing with trees all around (trees depict people). The front gate is open with stairs to walk up and enter in (if you take the effort to approach me, you will be welcomed). Note the red on the outside bush, (my heart is outside myself, it is with others).
I called my painting Kirra, Emanuel...... Kirra after my eldest granddaughter and Emanuel  because God is with us.   So much can be learned from paintings.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Comfort so Close

When tears are dry behind my eyes
and all within my spirit cries,
When life is like a leaning tower
and I can hardy live the hour,
When you are also weary weak
and can no longer reach your peak
When the problems of this life are many
and comfort cost an earthy penny

Our Father in Heaven is as close as a prayer
Omnipresent, never sleeping, watchfully there.

On Angels wings he lifts us up high
Close to His heart, we comforting lie.

In His arms of love He whispers our name
Reassuring His presence, always the same.

Softly and tenderly, secure in His care
Lean on Him only..........The Fairest,
                              ....SO RARE........



Thursday, February 4, 2010

Words can Hurt

People can be cruel by the things they say. Especially if they turn on you when you believe you have just done something very special for them. Its not always what we say but how we say it. Thinking before the words burst forth, should be considered.  No wonder someone once said, God gave us two eyes to see, two ears to listen and one mouth to speak.
My wonderful sister Janiece has a note attached to her fridge. "If its not nice, don't say it."
Which reminds me of the fruits of the spirit.
Galations 5: 22-23.
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such, there is no law.
Beautiful isn't it....... 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Needs OR My Wants....what is important?

Could anyone NOT love the 23 Psalm?

It gives such re-assurance in every line. Reading from the ‘New Living Translation’ we are told that, The Lord, leads us, He guides us, He gives us rest, He is with us in our darkest hour, He sends Angels to keep guard over us and He has Eternity prepared and waiting for us as our final destination.

Verse 6 says, “ Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me.”
I prefer the King James version of, “Surely Goodness and Mercy will follow me all the days of my life.”

Here I picture Goodness and Mercy as the names of two Angels…..they follow behind me wherever I go.

Note: They are not in front or at the side. They don’t guide or direct where I should go. God didn’t make robots, He allows free choices. Yet when I stumble and fall, Goodness and Mercy step forward and lift me up……..holding me steady until I am ready to continue on.

Not a word is said.
No condemnation, no reproof, or chiding, just loving understanding.
I am allowed to think for myself. To consider what I have done or failed to do right.

Reading the 23rd Psalm I am told it all………
The Lord surely is my Sheppard and I shall not want (for anything)…..Amen.